7 Effortless Tips to Simplify Your Life
Do you ever feel like life is just a balancing act and if you become unfocused for one short minute or take on one more thing you will lose it all? Are you looking for tips to simplify your life? Trust me, I get it…I’m just like you! Even when I feel completely frazzled, letting something fall through the cracks is not an option!
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Why do we do this to ourselves?
For so long an unbelievable amount of daily stress was just a way of life for me. I was so STRESSED that one day while trying to relax (who am I kidding, my mind never stops) I had a spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding under the conjunctiva). This wasn’t the only medical issue associated with stress that I have experienced, but it was the final straw for me and prompted me to find ways to simplify my life.
Don’t get me wrong, my life is still beautifully hectic and stressful but by implementing just a few simple changes in my life, my stress load has lessened.
Follow these effortless tips to simplify your life!
Learn to say NO!
This is probably the hardest lesson I’ve had to learn. Why can’t I resist the urge to just say yes, even when I don’t have time? Ruth Soukup wrote an amazing article on her blog Living Well Spending Less called 5 Ways to Say No. Although for some (like me) saying no is hard to do but when looking to simplify your life it is necessary at times.
I’m learning that in order to become good at saying no, I have to arm myself with a handful of tools that will help me say no without feeling bad, and without upsetting or angering the asker. They are certainly not foolproof, and I certainly haven’t mastered them just yet, but these five guidelines might just help you too.
Accomplish one task before you take on another!
At one time, I was the QUEEN of multitasking! I have since found out that multitasking isn’t very effective and that it is better to finish the task at hand before starting another. Switching between tasks in rapid succession can lessen our ability to perform at our highest of levels. In other words, by splitting your focus you are not getting more accomplished. When we give our undivided attention to the task at hand, the end result will be much greater and actually take us less time.
Prioritize your to-do list!
When asked my greatest strength I always answer by stating my ability to see the big picture and prioritize properly. Looking at the entire project can cause overwhelm but by seeing it in smaller scheduled chunks and whittling each of these down; the task, the day, or the project seems much more manageable. By prioritizing and scheduling your to-do list, you will be able to see what is filling up your “plate” and see the big picture of what is a must-do and what you can rearrange, assign to someone else, and even what you can just skip altogether.
Speaking of assigning to someone else…Delegate! Delegate! Delegate!
We all like to think we are Wonder Woman, but let’s face it even she had help from time to time. It is hard to give up the reigns but delegating some of the smaller, time-consuming tasks will alleviate a significant amount of stress in your life. When giving your kids minor tasks to help; you are not only lessening your load, you are also teaching your children responsibility…this is a win-win in my book.
Delegating is not only for the home. In my corporate life, it was very hard for me to delegate. I found it easier to do a task myself and know it was done correctly. This was ALWAYS quicker (in my mind) than teaching someone and having them take over. Can you say CONTROL FREAK??? I was burning the candle at both ends. Through the years I learned that just because it wasn’t done my way didn’t mean it was done the wrong way. Once I accepted this little bit of advice, my life sailed on smoother waters.
If it takes less than two minutes, JUST DO IT! (otherwise known as the 2-minute rule)
Have you heard of this rule? It’s from the book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by best-selling author David Allen. The general premise of the rule is basically this; if a task takes less than two minutes to complete it is better to just do it rather than writing it in your to-do list, processing it, and revisiting later. It’s really just that simple and will help reduce the burden later and help you achieve a simpler life.
This rule also applies nicely to a previous article I have written, 10 Habits for a Tidy Home.
Use a planner and become a list writer!
I don’t know about you, but I am a visual person! If I don’t see it in writing it is more likely to slip my mind. Planning my day, week, and month in a neat and tidy planner helps me to stay organized and function at a higher, stress-free level. Using a planner (like this one) and writing lists help me to keep my brain organized and gives me a view of the big picture to avoid that dreaded overwhelm feeling. I also get a huge sense of accomplishment with every item I check off.
I really LOVE this Life Planner from Erin Condren. It gives me the pages and space I need to organize my life!
Be Flexible!
Life happens and things just don’t always go as planned. It’s okay! Sometimes you just have to laugh at the chaos and go with the flow. The unexpected end outcome may even be better than the plan.
At the end of the day, don’t be so hard on yourself. You can’t make all of these changes at once but you can take small steps to alleviate your stress level and simplify your life. With every tip you follow, you will slowly feel some of the weight being lifted from our shoulders!
What are some of your tips for simplifying your life? I’d love to hear from you!
Great tips. Thanks for Sharing!
Thank you!
I like the two-minute rule. I’ve never heard of that!
David Allen’s book is very helpful!
I really enjoyed your blog. I am always looking for ways to reduce stress and you have some good tips here. I’ve never tried the 2 minute rule but I love my planner and lists!
I’m so happy you enjoyed my article! Thanks for stopping by!!
Ugh I really need to follow these tips ESPECIALLY the “if it takes two minutes just do it” rule! I always find myself putting off the easy tasks because I know they’re easy, but then suddenly when I have to do them all at once they get 10x harder
I completely understand! Thanks for stopping by!
These are great tips! I definitely fall into the pit of multi-tasking and fooling myself into believing I’m accomplishing a lot when in reality I’m making very little headway on a lot of things. It’s hard but if I can force myself to focus on one task, the sense of accomplishment is so much greater.
I was the same way! I fooled myself into thinking I was accomplishing more when it was the opposite. I’m so glad you enjoyed the tips!
These are all great tips. Saying no is something I’ve been working on lately and it really does help me so much.
It truly is the hardest thing for me to do. I hate saying no for so many reasons. I have learned that I can’t be everything to everyone and that has helped me. Thanks for stopping by!
Very well written! I especially like the 2 minute rule. I think so many people, especially women, feel like they have to do everything themselves. Delegating and saying no are difficult for me, but like any other skill, you get better with practice!
Yes, you do get better with practice! Thanks for stopping by!
I love this article. I especially loved learning to say NO. That’s the area where I have the most problem. Thank you once again.
Thank you for your kind words!
I love these tips. I don’t think I could do anything without my planner and lists. I do well in prioritizing, but not so much with the delegation. I have always struggled with doing things myself so they get done the way I want them to. Definitely, something to work on for me.
Oh, I completely understand and felt the same way for many of years. Thank you for stopping by!
I like the 2 minute rule, I am gonna apply that. I always thought of doing things on my way and I took proud to be a multi task master but by the time I have also realized at the end not a single task will be at its higher level…its all be average level..thanks for reminding by this post.
Thank you for stopping by and reading!