I’m always striving to be a better person than I was the day before. In keeping with this goal, I work hard to improve my habits and daily routines. To do this, I focus on small steps and track my progress. Using the free monthly habit tracker printable is a great way to chart my daily success.
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Let me know if this sounds familiar…
You decide you want to lead a healthy lifestyle and change your eating and activity habits. You purchase a gym membership and purge the junk food from your pantry. You go full out for 2 straight weeks, pushing through the struggles even though you feel like you are dying every single day.
You think by being all in this time you will succeed, stick to it, be a healthy beast! The day has come and you hop on that scale only to see a slight movement…not at all what you feel it should be. This causes you to make the decision to take the weekend off, at least that’s what you tell yourself…BUT 5 months later you are wondering why you are still paying for a gym membership you no longer use.
In a world where we expect instant gratification, this is where many of us fail in the resolution and change department.
Most of what we really want in life does not happen by sprinting to our goal. Change happens through hard work and dedication. Forming good habits helps us on our journey and this 30-day habit tracker helps us along the way.
Changing habits and achieving goals is a marathon, not a sprint. Making a positive change takes time and commitment. That’s where my free printable habit tracker can help.
As they say, nothing worthwhile comes easy.
Each small habit change can and will become a building block to help you achieve your long-term goals. By using this free printable habit tracker, you can make a goal action plan that will work!
What is a habit?
A habit (whether it is a good one or a bad one) is a routine or behavior that is repeated regularly and occurs subconsciously.
Vowing to change or make a new habit is an actionable step that is easily taken and measured especially if you use a monthly habit tracker printable.
⇓ Grab your FREE Monthly Habit Tracker Printable below! ⇓
If you are a collector of printables like me, use this super pretty binder and my favorite pens to give a colorful flair to all of your calendars, goal setting, and planning.
I’m sure you have some long and short term goals in mind. Who doesn’t?
But how do you achieve these goals?
Focusing on mini-goals or small steps can propel you forward in your journey. Each small step is a victory and hitting these victories helps keep us motivated to move forward in the quest of our bigger goals. Mini-goals can lead to better habits and bigger changes.
Years ago, I was the chronically late girl to every function…even work. As much as I tried, I was a procrastinator when it came to getting my butt out of the door. To correct this issue, I set mini-goals like waking earlier, planning ahead, leaving 30 minutes earlier than I thought I needed and all of this eventually helped me to conquer this terrible habit and change my life.
Once each of these steps became a new habit, they became my new normal. Now I no longer procrastinate when I have an appointment or event. I know the steps I need to take to make it to every function on time.
Let’s look at some common goals for many of us:
Live a healthier lifestyle.
Build an emergency savings fund.
Earn extra money.
All of these are great goals but how do you achieve them? When you write your goals down without creating steps to move forward, you are not taking the steps necessary to knock them out of the park.
This is where I combine my goal setting printable (shown above) and my habit tracker to make magic happen. You see, I don’t just plan my goals…I slay them!
Examples of habits you can track using your printable
- Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day
- Eat a healthy breakfast daily
- Get adequate rest
- Eat your fruits and veggies
- Don’t drink your calories
Oh! We are on a roll now! All of these actionable steps are habits and that’s where the free printable habit tracker comes in. But you aren’t limited to healthy lifestyle habits. You can use this habit tracker chart for so much more.
- Completed cleaning routines
- Amount of sleep
- Flossing
- 20 minutes of reading per day
The ideas are endless.
Track your habits
On your monthly habit tracker, list your action steps (habits) and track them by checking them off daily.
Ate a healthy breakfast √
Walked 30 minutes √
Before you know it, all of this will become a habit.
By using this free monthly habit tracker printable, you can set positive daily routines and habits bringing you success in achieving your goals.
How do you plan to use your monthly habit tracker? Any goals and action steps that you plan to slay? Let me know in the comments.
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